Vince Lombardi once said “Once you have established the goals you want and the price you’re willing to pay, you can ignore the minor hurts, the opponent’s pressure and temporary failures.” For the Packers and Steelers, this quote will prove to be profoundly true on February 6. The goal, which they have been working so hard to accomplish, is within their grasp. They will have to focus on the goal, the title- Super Bowl Champions!
I’m going through a time in my life where I have a lot of choices to make: should I graduate college a year early, what should I do this summer, what classes will be most beneficial to my future, what should I do with my life? Not a day goes by that I don’t think of these questions and wish I had the answers. But as I make decisions in my life and set goals for my future, this quote by Vince Lombardi is something that pushes me on when I want to give up.
The agriculture industry can take so much from this quote as well. The diverse industry of agriculture is constantly faced with challenges; whether its volatile markets, negative media attention, delayed research, etc. The fact is, we don’t always get smooth sailing, there are always going to be times when the wind is against us or when there is no wind at all. But…if we remember what our goal is, have faith and patience the wind will eventually turn and help us sail towards the finish line.
Once we set our goal, we have to have the strength to carry it out no matter what. Regardless of the score on the scoreboard, the uncertainty that sometimes comes with moving forward…none of it can stop us. Achieving our goals will cost us. It will cost us time, effort, money, sleep, comfort. But I promise you this: reaching the end zone is worth it all!