Monday, September 13, 2010

Miraculous World of Agriculture

The other day as I was driving I looked out my window and was absolutely amazed. It seemed like just yesterday that I was driving by these same fields and praying for a good crop, praying that the tiny seedlings would yield an abundant harvest. Some of the fields I drove by had already been harvested and some fields of corn, soybeans and sunflowers still remain. What a miracle! To think that a tiny seed will go in the ground and emerge looking completely different…emerge to do incredible things! The world of agriculture is full of miracles like this one; miracles that we all too often take for granted, if we just look around us we will see that agriculture offers us so much, all we have to do is take the time to notice it.

So often I find that I drive by fields on the side of the road and acknowledge they are there, but lately I’ve been asking myself…do I really notice them? Do I really understand the importance that every single plant in that field has; do I understand their worth? Do I truly embrace the miracles of agriculture?

Farmers plant millions of tiny seeds each year, and those tiny seeds grow to make a significant impact on the lives of many. It has got me thinking, if a tiny seed can make that big of an impact why can’t I? I am ready to leave my footprint in the field of agriculture, and I am tired of sitting on the sidelines waiting for somebody else to make that impact.

Farmers cannot sit around waiting to plant the seeds or harvest them, business people cannot sit around waiting for the sales to come to them, and agriscientists certainly cannot sit around waiting for the next big discovery to just appear in their labs. And I certainly cannot sit around waiting for someone else to tell people about the miracles of agriculture! My question for you…how will you make an impact in the miraculous world of agriculture?!

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