Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Strong Roots. Strong Yields

I recently attended the Asgrow/DEKALB dealer kickoff meeting, and I saw a DEKALB sign that said: Strong Roots. Strong Yields. The more I think about it, the more I realize that this sign is appropriate for not only DEKALB but for agriculture as a whole.

Those involved in production agriculture understand the importance of having strong roots in order to ensure that they can gain the highest yield potential possible. Those involved with agri-science understand that in order for advancement to occur they must have a strong foundation to build off of, if they wish to make substantial changes. For those in the agribusiness field it is all about relationships. Strong relationships help to ensure that customers are happy with the product and service, and that they are excited to return in the future. No matter what part of agriculture; the success all comes down to having strong roots; a strong foundation.

Growing up on the farm I have realized how important this is; whether it had to deal with crops or cattle. If my dad didn't take the time to make sure the ground was ready to be planted, the tiny seed would never develop into a high yielding plant. If my dad didn't take the time to find the best products, our operation might not be as successful. If my dad didn't take the time to care for the cattle we probably wouldn't have a 400 head herd. My point is and ranchers set great examples for their children. In addition to building solid operations, they build strong foundations for their kids to learn from. As kids we might not always make the best decisions, but no matter what we know that we can always go back to those deep roots.

I can honestly say that without my mom and dad teaching me the importance of hard work and responsibility I wouldn't be the person I am today. And they aren't the only ones who have taught me this; it is everyone involved in agriculture. No matter where I go I can see this motto lived out. It's in the fields I drive by, the cattle shows I go to, the businesses I enter, the latest developments I hear about...every aspect of agriculture show me how important strong roots are.

Strong Roots. Strong Yields. It's more than just a saying on a DEKALB's a motto for the agricultural industry!

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