Thursday, July 7, 2011


Speechless…for once in my life I can honestly say I am speechless. While searching for the latest ag news I came across this article/blog and was absolutely blown away.

In the article the author writes: “To many, 4-H Clubs are all about nurturing sweet little calves, adorable children winning ribbons, urban garden patches and proud future farmers grooming prized pigs for show. To others, it's a calculated system for turning the youth of America into cold, unfeeling animal killers.” Others who agreed with the authors position made comments such as: “This group helps desensitize youngsters into having no emotional attachment to animals raised for food. Shame on you 4-H for what you do to animals and to children.” Thankfully there were supporters of agriculture who defended 4-H and the agricultural industry. “Desensitization is the wrong word–education is the right word. These kids (I was one) are not at all desensitized to the process–rather, they are educated about proper raising and care of these animals.”

I entered the 4-H Organization as a cloverbud when I was 7 years old, and although I am too old to be a member now, I currently serve as a leader for a club in Foster County. I learned valuable life skills during my years as a 4-H member. I learned how to bake, sew, take pictures, decorate cakes, keep accurate records, and how to prepare and exhibit livestock. I showed sheep and beef cattle during my many years as a 4-H member and learned a lot from the experiences I had…in and out of the show ring.

I learned how to select an animal that would be a good contender in the show ring, how to halter break, feed, groom, and exhibit the livestock. Contrary to what the article says, as a result of being a 4-H member, I did not become desensitized to the suffering of animals. In fact, I don’t know a current or former member who would say that is what happened as a result of being a 4-H member. 4-H members learn that animal husbandry is vital to providing people the food they need, and that we should be proud to be a part of the livestock industry.

To be honest, the animals on the show circuit are pampered. They lay in comfortable straw under fans that cool them on hot summer days, they get washed at least once a day, are fed the best feed, and have a roof over their head when it rains out…sounds like a life of luxury.

The fact is we live in a scary world. A world that thinks there needs to be more rules and regulations for the farmers and ranchers who produce the world’s food. We live in a place where anti-agriculture organizations are trying to punish organizations like 4-H and FFA for preparing future leaders, simply because they fail to see the good these programs are doing.

Unfortunately we are partially to blame. What do we do when articles like this are published attacking the ag industry…all to often, the answer is, nothing. We simply think that someone else will take care of giving our industry a good image, but that mentality is what put us here in the first place. I am just as much at blame as the next person…but that stops today. No longer will I keep quiet as our industry is attacked. We need to find our voice, and we needed to find it yesterday!

When I first read the article I was speechless…but I cannot allow my initial reaction to hold me back from speaking against the lies the world is hearing. I refuse to remain silent while our industry goes under attack time, after time, after time. And I would ask you to do the same. Find ways to put a positive light on our industry. Talk to young people about the importance of agriculture, make sure your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc. all understand where their food comes from, start a blog that highlights different aspects of agriculture, or write letters to the editor that talk about agriculture in a positive manner. I challenge you to think of one way to help spread the message of our industry. Find your voice and promote agriculture. We have to stop being…speechless.

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