Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Season of Thankfulness

Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, and pumpkin pie. Tomorrow we celebrate Thanksgiving, a long standing tradition of gathering with friends and family to reflect on all the blessings we have. We each have so much to be thankful for, but sometimes I feel like the true reason for this holiday gets lost in a clutter of black Friday ads. It's amazing to me that right after we get done reflecting on the many blessings we have, we will spend the entire next day shopping. I'm not against black Friday or getting a good deal, but I hope that we all take time to realize just how blessed we are.

In my family we have a long standing tradition where, before we eat our Thanksgiving meal, we go around the table and say what we are thankful for. Here's just a few of the many things that I am thankful for this year.

  1. Family and friends. That probably seems like a cliche answer, but it's true. I am so thankful to have an amazing family that supports me and gives me advice when I need it. They are my biggest fans and, sometimes, my toughest critics. I am so blessed that they stand with me along the way, always pushing me to strive for my goals. I am also thankful for friends who I can always count on, whether I need to talk about some frustrations or just need a good laugh they are always there for me. Even though I don't get to see them as often as I would like, I am so thankful for each and every one of them.
  2. Red River Farm Network. I am truly blessed to work for the greatest group of individuals I know. I am truly amazed at what I continue to learn. Each day is full of challenges and successes, and I am thankful for the amazing opportunity I have been given.
  3. Agriculture. As I sit down at the dinner table tomorrow, there is no question that I am thankful for the food on the table and for the individuals who work hard to provide it. This industry is full of some of the most passionate individuals I know, and I am thankful for the farmers and ranchers who work hard to provide for their own families and feed the world.
  4. Freedom. I am thankful for the men and women who have dedicated their livest to ensuring that our great nation remains free. It is no question that without the sacrifices of these individuals and their families we would not be able to enjoy many of the freedoms we do.
As you prepare to spend time with family and friends, take time to reflect on what you are thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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