Meeting season is coming to a close and for the first time in over two months I will spend the entire week in the office! I'll be honest, meeting season was a little overwhelming at times, but there's no question I loved the opportunity I had to visit with individuals about what's going on in agriculture. I kept hearing the same message over and over again...this is an exciting time to be in the agriculture industry, and I couldn't agree more!
I had the chance to visit with a rancher in South Dakota who shared some of the struggles he experienced with last years drought and heard about changes his operation has undergone as a result. Despite the challenges, he is optimistic that it's a great time to be in the livestock industry.
I visited with several North Dakota farmers who expressed their excitement about the coming year. Despite the challenges they faced with dry conditions last year, every farmer I visited with was optimistic about the future of the agriculture industry. Whether it's the technological advancements that are on the horizon or the immense opportunities for young people to pursue careers in agriculture, our farmers and ranchers are passionate about this industry.
I was privileged to meet a renowned speaker and futurist, who's excitement and passion for the future of agriculture are contagious. There's no question that it is a great time to be a farmer but this individual is certain that things for the agriculture industry will get even better!
I had the opportunity to visit with a agvocate who reminded me of the importance of sharing agriculture's story. Her passion for our industry and willingness to tell her story to others is truly inspiring me to look at ways that I can become a better agvocate.
There are some days when I forget the big picture. I get a little rundown and forget that being a part of agriculture is about more than a single person. As individuals in agriculture we all play a vital role in producing the food and resources our growing world needs and sharing agriculture's story.
So yes life has been a little hectic, but I have enjoyed the opportunity to meet individuals who are passionate about this industry. Life is busy and the future of the ag industry is bright...what more could a girl ask for?!
P.S. Tomorrow is
National Agriculture Day. A day dedicated to recognizing the hard working men and women in the agriculture industry and a day that presents us with a great opportunity to visit with others about the contributions America's farmers and ranchers make around the world. I challenge you to thank a farmer or rancher AND find a way to tell agriculture's story to someone who might not know where their food comes from.
Happy National Ag Day!! |
Until next week,