Regardless of the magnitude of our fears, the truth is they hold us back. But why do we let them? And what keeps us from overcoming them?
Here's a little secret- I'm scared of failure. I'm sure it's no surprise that, for this perfectionist, one of my fears is failure. But if I let my fear of failure get in the way of pursuing my dreams, what good is that? What will life be like in 10 or 20 years if I don't push my fear aside and pursue my greatest desires? I know that I don't want to wake up one morning realizing that my life is only mediocre, realizing that my life could have been extraordinary if I could have overcome my fear of failure.
What about you? What dreams have you pushed to the side, because your fears have got in the way? Do you, like me, find yourself wondering 'what if'?
- What if you applied for your dream job?
- What if you went back to school?
- What if you went on your dream vacation or started your own business?
- What if you stopped wondering and faced your fear head on?
Whatever your fear, I challenge you to face it. Or, as someone recently challenged me, attack your fear.
We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face. -Eleanor Roosevelt
Attack your fear and stop asking what if. Don't let your fears keep you from living the life you imagined.
Until next week,

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