Debates. Television Commercials. Facebook Statuses. Radio Advertisements. Yes, there's no question that it's an election year. Are you prepared to cast your vote in 13 days? Since you are constantly bombarded with advertisements telling you how to vote, or in some cases, how not to vote I promise that this post will not include my personal opinion on any candidates or ballot initiatives. I will however be encouraging you to take part in the democratic process.
With all the advertisements it is so easy to hear what someone says and accept it as fact, but let's be honest...not everything we hear on the television or read on the internet is true! This brings me to my first point, get informed. There is a lot of information being thrown at you, especially now that the election is less than two weeks away. Take time to learn about the candidates, don't make your decision based solely off of a campaign advertisement. Do your own research and learn everything you can about the individuals vying for an office.
When it comes to the issues do the same thing. Dig deeper than what the measure actually says. Take time to look at who is backing the ballot initiative and think about the measure would mean long-term. This year, in North Dakota, we have two ballot initiatives that directly affect agriculture. I think it is always imperative to vote, but when the issues directly affect my industry there's no question my voice will be heard. And I will make sure that everyone I know does their part to protect our industry as well.
Once you learn all you can about the candidates and the issues, you are ready to cast your vote. Make sure you take time on November 6 to cast your vote and if you are unable to vote on that day get an absentee ballot. I promise the process is painless and if you've done your research it won't take you long to fill out your ballot and send it back. As Americans it is truly a blessing that we have the right to vote. Think about it. We have an opportunity to make a difference in our country. I often hear people say they don't vote because they don't think their vote makes a difference. The problem is it isn't one vote. Numerous individuals, you and old, feel the same way so they don't vote. So one vote becomes two and two becomes hundreds, even thousands. All of their votes combined could make a difference. So don't forget to encourage your family, friends and neighbors to cast their vote. And remind them , one vote makes a difference.
Like I said before, this post isn't focused on me telling you where I stand on the issues or who I think the right choice for our state or country is. I just want to encourage you to take a part in the democratic process. There are important decisions to be made, so get informed and cast your vote. I have made my decisions for election 2012. Have you?
Excited to cast my vote in election 2012! |
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