Harvest is done, so now what? Well let me assure you there will be no shortage of things going on at T-T Ranch. In fact here are some of the things at the top of a never ending list:
-Grain to haul
-Fertilizer to apply
-Calves to wean
-Machinery to service
And I can assure you that this list goes on and on. I'm sure you can relate. Whether you are a farmer,
stay at home mom, rancher, seed salesman, communications director, whatever your title is you know
that there are always things to do. But what a great feeling it is when you can finally check something off
the list. No we don't ever get to the end of said list, but each job we check off is one less thing we have
to save for tomorrow.
These last few weeks have been very crazy, but I am so thankful to know that we can check harvest
2012 off our lengthy list of things to do. But who am I kidding, I can't wait for harvest 2013 to begin!
Well, I guess I better get back to my own never-ending list of things to do.
Until next week,

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